Gas Burning Furnace Information Homeowners Should Know

11 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog


Gas burning furnaces are among the most commonly used heating systems due to their efficiency, affordability, and dependability. Despite furnaces being common and a relatively old technology, individuals are frequently at a loss when it comes to knowing what they should expect from owning and using a gas burning furnace.

Will A Gas Burning Furnace Cause Your Home To Smell?

Homeowners will frequently assume that having a gas burning furnace will contribute to their homes having unusual smells and odors. However, a properly functioning furnace system should not produce any smells or odors outside of a temporary burning odor when it is activated for the first time after many months. This smell is due to the dust that collected on the furnace burning off. If you find that this burning odor regularly occurs or fails to stop after several minutes, it may indicate that the furnace is needing to be serviced, and it should not be used until the appropriate repairs are made.

Is It Cost-Effective To Opt For A Smaller Furnace Than You Need?

Furnace replacement is a major but unavoidable expense. To make these costs more manageable, individuals may be tempted to choose a furnace that is smaller than what they actually need. This can lower the cost of the initial purchase, but it can lead to sizable expenses. An undersized furnace will lack the power to properly heat your home, which can result in it burning more fuel and running for far longer. This can increase your fuel costs while also making the furnace more likely to suffer mechanical issues due to wear.

Will You Need To Do Anything To Prepare The Furnace For Winter-Time Use?

When the winter months are approaching, steps should be taken to prepare the furnace for use. Homeowners may be intimidated by this work, but it will involve little more than thoroughly cleaning and inspecting the furnace along with changing its air filter. This will remove much of the dust that could cause problems for the unit when it is first activated.

Is Condensation On The Furnace Problematic?

Condensation can collect on the exterior of the furnace. This problem occurs most frequently during the spring and summer months due to the air having more moisture and the exterior of the furnace being cool to the touch. Condensation can eventually damage the furnace by corroding it. Using humidity control devices can be the most efficient way of minimizing the amount of wear that condensation can cause to your furnace's exterior.